Friday, April 15, 2011

Today's Shopping - the $0.99 Store

I often forget about the 99 cent store.  It is similar to the dollar store, but (in our town anyway) it has lots more.  I took a quick trip today and made quite a haul.  While it does not take coupons, I think I still did pretty good.  Certainly stocked the snack cupboard!

Here's what I got - of course everything was $1

2 packages of Cheese & Pretzel Dippers
1 4-pack of Dannon Light yogurt - key lime flavor
1 box Suddenly Salad
6 boxes Betty Crocker instant potatoes
3 bags (10 count each) of Snyder's pretzels
2 boxes Curious George fruit snacks (a staple for us, we use them to treat low blood sugars)
2 packages Banquet brown and serve turkey sausage
2 boxes Strawberry Pop Tarts
6 individual packs of Pop Tarts
2 packages of Chocolate flavored Goldfish crackers (hope these are good)
2 boxes Quaker granola bars
2 English Muffins
2 loaves of bread
1 package of French Rolls
1 box Curad band-aids
Comet cleanser
1 men's speed stick deodorant (somehow hubby ran out!  eeks!)

Total Spent:  $47.00

I don't normally buy things like Pop-tarts, only rarely.  My kids have been asking for them and it's been over 6 months since I bought any, so I picked them up.  They are the high fiber variety (like that makes it OK!).  Same with the instant potatoes, but with the kids playing softball in the evenings right now, I need some quick sides to go along with dinner.

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